Hi there!

I’m a JavaScript Software Engineer and Cloud Developer with experience in building backend, frontend and cloud-based applications. My passion lies in frontend development with the goal of creating a smooth user experience while delivering testable and quality code. Besides coding, I enjoy reading, dancing, swimming, rope skipping, watching sitcoms, riding bikes and spending time with family and friends.



JavaScript & TypeScript

I have extensive experience working with and building applications using JavaScript/TypeScript.

HTML, CSS & Saas, Bootsrap

I have extensive experience working with and building applications using HTML, CSS & Saas, Bootsrap.

Node.js & Express.js

I have worked extensively with Node.js to build scalable REST APIs.

React.js, Gatsby, Redux & Graphql/apollo client

I have worked extensively with React.js and Redux to build both SPA PWA applications. I have also built projects using Gatsby and apollo client.

AWS & Serverless framework

I have built applications using AWS services/tools such as Amplify framework, S3 buckets, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda, App sync, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk.

MongoDB & Postgres

I have extensively used and worked with both SQL and NoSQl databases such as MongoDB & Postgres

Git, Gitlab & Github

I have extensively used Git, Gitlab & Github as code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.

Latest repositories on Github

Contact or connect with me!

© 2023 Harriet